Living with the Machiavellian Bunny

Broken blue seal rabbit posing

I'm sitting here, thinking about the different bunny identities and then about the all the bunnies that have lived in my rabbitry over the years.  The Machiavellian Bunny is definitely one of the most challenging to manage.  But before anyone gets discouraged or repelled, remember the old adage:  Your greatest weaknesses are also your greatest strengths.  

Our working definition is:  The Machiavellian bunny is the con artist of the lagomorph world.  It's smart, oh so smart about reading people and situations.  It is well aware of it's strengths and also how to use those strengths for it's own benefit.  If you have a Machiavellian bunny, it can be sweet or ignore you, or demand something one minute and disdain it the next.  It might act clumsy, and then suddenly be an escape artist.  It will keep you guessing, and never be boring.   When loved and secure it is mostly good-natured and funny, and its attempts at controlling a situation become hilarious antics.  Think Tom Sawyer.  


The Machiavellian Bunny....

* Does cute, endearing little things that are unique to it and unusual for a bunny 

* Is high energy and likes to play

* Will make you laugh with its antics

* Is smart and independent

Broken sable frosty holland lop

* Is never boring



The Machiavellian Bunny....

* Is an escape artist

* Is strong willed and wants its way

* Without boundaries, will engage, participate and cooperate only if it wants to


Tips for living with your Machiavellian Bunny and Loving it!

1. Let's start with the most important thing you can do.  Provide consistent boundaries.  What does this mean?   Physical boundaries.  Define the area where you allow your Machiavellian bunny to roam and carefully block exit points.  If left to its own devices, your bunny will go anywhere and everywhere, the more obscure and hard to get to the better.  If your bunny somehow gets out, promptly return them to their space, or to their cage.  Behavioral boundaries.  The Machiavellian bunny is constantly trying to do whatever it feels like doing.  If you get in the way of that, you might get nipped, growled at, scratched, lunged at etc - directly or indirectly.  Anytime your bunny engages in negative or destructive behavior, quickly return it to the cage while saying "No, you cannot ________".  Time outs work great for this bunny because it abhors any limits to its freedom.  

Blue seal holland lop kit

2. Provide distraction.  The Machiavellian Bunny is smart - especially in a "what's in it for me" way.  Treat puzzle toys are a great option.  They are the latest thing for cats and dogs, but most can be used for bunnies.  Look for toys that funnel energy into a positive action or make your bunny work for a reward:  build an obstacle course, build a box town, bury treats in a box full of bedding.  You will be surprised at how much your bunny can figure out.  When I let my Machiavellian bunnies out in the pen to play, they would tear around it at full speed, running in circles, jumping over things, diving into other things, throwing things around.  This would go on for about 10-20 minutes and then they would jump on a box and sit there calmly.  Try to be sensitive about how often your bunny gets out to accommodate all that pent up energy.  

3. Positive Reinforcement.  When the Machiavellian bunny does anything adorable, endearing, good, etc, praise it.  Follow it up with petting, and more praise.  See, although it wants to do whatever it wants to do, it is also highly motivated by love and treats.  Capitalize on that.  And when it does something annoying, but not inherently bad - like stomping to get your attention - just ignore it.  Pretend that you don't even see or hear it.  Note:  In these instances, if your bunny is engaged in an annoying behavior and you make eye contact with it, or stop what you are doing, you lost.  It wanted your attention, and it got it.  You have to at least APPEAR to completely ignore it.  Go in another room and spy if you must, but don't let your bunny see it.

THE KEY:  If you are thinking that the Machiavellian bunny is a lot like a smart toddler, then you understand.  Without boundaries - exhausting and destructive.  With boundaries - tons of potential and sweetness.  Not for the faint of heart, or the inconsistent, but a Machiavellian bunny can be a joy.