Pine Cones

Preparing Pine Cones

Okay, so this is no longer the view out of my house window, but even here in AZ we have pine trees and pine cones.  For those who have easy access to those hard, christmasy pin cones, try this recipe.   Some bunnies love to gnaw on them and it helps to wear down their front teeth.  

You need:  pine cones, paper towels, cookies sheet, parchment paper, vinegar

Ohio winter pinecones for bunnies
  1.  Collect your pine cones.  Be sure the trees they come from have not been sprayed with pesticides.

  2.  Clean the pine cones using a sink of warm water and 1 cup vinegar.  Scrub them to get off bugs, sap and dirt.

  3. Soak for about 30-40 additional minutes to be sure they are bug free and clean.

  4. Rinse in clean water and drip dry on paper towels or newspaper. 

  5. Continue to air dry for 4 days, or bake them in the oven. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and line a cookie sheet with parchment paper.

  6. Place pine cones on cookie sheet and bake for 2 hours.  Pine cones will open.  Do NOT LEAVE UNATTENDED to prevent burning.

  7. Remove pine cones from oven and cool completely. Treat your rabbits and watch them enjoy their new toy.