Meet Tonto

Tonto came to us from Audrey's Bunny Basket in Michigan.  He is a blue buck with pretty silvering and near perfect proportions.  See those short ears?  We adore them! Tonto is a natural at sitting up tall and posing, so it's easy to get good pictures of him.  

When Tonto first came to our rabbitry, he was feisty and demanding.  He was the original sprayer and was known for his uncanny aim.  If you were to pet a bunny next to Tonto, but ignore him, you were sure to get some yellow rain flying in your direction. He is now three years old, and has mellowed considerably.  We are pretty sure that he's happy with the new arrangement as he is the only buck.  He can best be described as an attention hog that never passes up an opportunity to be pet.  

When Tonto hit the two year mark, he did a full molt and blew out his coat.  It must have taken a lot out of him, because he was no longer interested in hay, and seemed to struggle a bit digestively.  All in all, his body just seemed tired.  While we had always fed our bunnies all natural food and organic hay, it was clearly not working for Tonto.   Seeing our little guy so run down inspired us to start working towards a whole food diet for our bunnies.