Living with The Player

REW rabbit kits

 It's not hard to imagine this scenario:  Innocent pet owner purchases bunny.  Things go well for the first few days, or even weeks.  Everyone is getting along fine.  Then without warning, previous assumptions and reality collide in the small bundle of fur at her feet.  It is lunging, stomping, tearing things up, etc.  Just when she is at her wits end, he jumps up in her lap, gives her hand a kiss and flops out and falls asleep.  Such a tiny little thing, and such a roller coaster experience.

Brief Description:  The Player is most likely a buck.  He comes into the world doted upon by an attentive mother and has no lack of self-confidence.  He is outgoing and loves attention.  On his best days he is sweet and amiable, on his worst, he is a tyrant.  If you have a player, he might try to escape or manipulate you like a Machivellian, or he might be cuddly and adorable like a Sweet bunny -- but the common thread is narcissism.  The Player puts himself first, and he expects you to do it too.

The Pros

broken chestnut holland lop kit

The Player bunny.......

* Can be adorably affectionate and sweet

* Is outgoing and loves attention and people

* Likes to play, likes to be pet, likes treats, 



The Player bunny.......

* Is easily spoiled

* Can be extremely demanding 

* Acts out when he doesn't get attention for the express purpose of getting attention

* Requires a firm owner


Tips for Living with your Player bunny and Loving it!

Okay, I'm going to be honest here.  If you find yourself in possession of a Player bunny, don't fret.  There are two very viable solutions that will help you accentuate all his good tendencies and downplay the negatives.  

Option #1  The Hard Road.  

     I'm just calling it the hard road, because it will be counterintuitive to some people (kind, tenderhearted people), and it will require a lot of consistency.  Your player bunny will fool you.  When you lavish him with attention, love and kindness, he will most often respond with affection.  This lulls you into the belief that he is REASONABLE.  He is not.  He is a bunny, and a player bunny at that.  The minute that you deviate from his personal goals and desires, he will let you know.  Suddenly all the magical moments you shared mean nothing.  What matters is that you refused to let him out for more playtime, aren't giving him more banana, picked him up when he was busy doing things, or are having fun without him.  HOW DARE YOU!  It would be easy to misinterpret his behavior as revenge.  It's not.  It's simply that the player will engage in any behavior that will allow him to command your attention.  In order to turn the tables, you must be firm, consistent and maintain solid boundaries around behavior.  You have to intercept bad behavior before it even gets started, and do it until the Player stops trying.  You have to reward good behavior with attention and love.  Go read The Bossy Bunny article.  Repeat.   Personally, I have gone this route, and it works - but it takes time.

Option #2  The Easy Road

      Get him neutered.  If you are a pet owner, this was likely your plan all along.  Pursue that goal.  Plan it.  Schedule it.  Bring it to fruition.  It will make things a LOT easier.  It will even out his hormones - the ones that are driving his narcissism.  He will be happier, and less destructive.    But what should you do until 6 months?  Remove and Redirect.  When your Player starts to run amok, remove him from the situation and put him back in his cage.  He might not get the message, and he might be annoying or destructive within the cage - but at least he will be contained and you can leave the room and ignore him until your frustration subsides.  Redirect his attention to other things.  If he starts to tear or scratch at your couch pillows, pick him up and put him in another place with a toy that allows him to put his energy to good use.  A box full of bedding with buried toys or treats will likely make him forget about everything else.  Try to be patient, try not to let him get to you, and certainly try not to show it.  

The KEY:  As far as the player is concerned, it's his world, and you are just living in it.  Turn that around, and the world will be set to right.