Communication with Bunnies

sable point marten holland lop rabbit adorable posing

If I didn't know better, I would say that bunnies are among the unfortunate of the animal world - extremely limited in voice and destined to be prey.  However, don't be fooled.  If you stand back and observe, you will find that they are quite adept at wielding the tools they do have. 

Frequent Bunny Phrases

* Grinding my teeth which sounds like the hum of a tiny motor.  This likely only happens when a bunny is being pet.  It means that it is happy and content.  The message to you is:  This is great, we can just keep this going indefinitely.

* Rubbing my chin all over things. This can be done in happy way, a stressed way, or a territorial way, but they all mean the same thing - a claim of ownership.  The message to you is:  This is mine, this is mine, you are mine, this is mine.

*High hop with a partial or full twist.  This can be done mid-run or literally from a standing position.  It means the bunny is extremely happy about something.  You're jealous aren't you?  When was the last time that something made YOU so happy that you did a little awkward dance in public?  The message to you is:  I love this.  I am happy and grateful for this!

*Slamming my back foot on the floor.  The primary goal here is to get your attention. I've actually seen bunnies thump their back leg and be disgusted by the lack of sound the resulted, and then move to a place that creates greater sound and drama.  It means that your bunny is very upset - let's not discuss the legitimacy at this point.  The message to you is:  Pay attention!    Something is wrong and I am NOT happy!

*Licking and smoothing my hair, ears, legs, etc.  This is both a natural grooming habit and a OCD response to feeling mussed.  Your bunny likely will do this if it gets wet, if it feels dirty, if you flatten or rearrange it's hair by petting it.  The message to you is:  I enjoyed being pet, but really I have to wash you off now.

*Kicking my back legs out as I run away from you.  This is subtle and easy to miss and ignore.  It's a moderate signal of disgust, much like someone brushing the shoulder in a gesture of dislike.  It means that your bunny isn't happy with something you have done, but they are willing to overlook it by having the last word.  The message to you is:  UGHH.  You are exasperating!

orange holland lop kit playing inside adorable

* I am sitting with my butt and back to you. If you see your bunny doing this, you are in the doghouse - at least if you choose to accept that.  It means that you have done the unforgivable, and you need to do penance in the form of petting, treats or adoration.  Do not be mistaken, your bunny is upset, but it WANTS you to fix it.  The message to you is:  I am furious at you.  I am hoping this will hurt your feelings and that you will come crawling back to me, asking forgiveness.  

*I am squeezed against a wall, ears flattened back.  If you see this, you must have really screwed up.  Did you spray water in your bunny's face?  Hurt it?  Make it feel unsafe?  Best to just give your bunny some space, it's pretty ticked and might bite if you persist in invading it's space.   Message to you:  Leave me alone!  

*I keep turning my head back and forth like a robot.  This looks really weird.  Some bunnies do it for minutes at a time.  It's more prominent in sables and REW.  Your bunny is simply scanning an area to get more accurate information about what they see, accounting for shadows and changes in lighting.  Message to you:  I'm getting my bearings.

*I tucked my head under your arm and I'm staying there.  I always found this gesture rather endearing.  It means that your bunny is overwhelmed by something they smell, hear, see, etc. and they are turning to you for protection and shelter.  Message to you:  Hide me and keep me safe.

*I am running in circles around your feet.  This is both a sign of affection and if it becomes more ardent or comes with a nip, means that you need to get your bunny fixed.  Message to you:  I like you, I love you, I like you , I love you!

*When I see you, I lower my head.  This is a test - of your unconditional love.  Consider it an opportunity to assuage bunny insecurity.  Your bunny wants you to show affection before it shows you affection.  The action itself is hierarchal, meaning, if you pet first, you are the inferior.  Of course this is ridiculous between human and bunny, but do it anyway.  It will make your bunny happy.  Message to you:  I'm giving you the opportunity to pet me.

*I put my chin or paw on you and I'm not moving it.  Think of this as a longer chin.  Not only are you your bunny's possession, but now demands are being placed on your actions and attention.  This is jealousy through and through.  Message to you:  Mine!  ONLY mine! Pay attention to JUST me!

Okay, so I think I've covered most of the common messages, but there are of course, many more.  If you have any questions, just email and we will add to this list!